CHIRP has moved to Spencely House at Castlemaine Health.
All appointments from 6 June 2022 will be held at Spencely House, Castlemaine Health, 142 Cornish Street. While the address is changing, all other contact details like phone numbers and email addresses will remain the same.
If you need to chat about how they can help your clients, they will be there. As part of the move they are establishing a new Community Health Information Hub at Castlemaine Community House (30 Templeton St).
The staff will be available at the Information Hub to provide information and advice about community health services. All appointments will be held at Spencely House. The Information Hub is a walk-in service so no appointment needed – just drop in.
If your clients in the Mt Alexander Shire are experiencing homelessness call 1800 825 955 or contact Housing Services on 03 5479 1000 during business hours to learn about their services and programs.