Child focused reports

Victorian Early Years Learning & Development Framework- For all children from birth to eight years 

Keeping Kids Safe & Well- Your Voices (2021)

Does Camping Count? Children’s Experiences of Homelessness. Final Report

Homeless Children’s Brokerage Program (2017)

Care not Custody- A new approach to keep kids in residential care out of the criminal justice system (2017)

Childrens Rights: Report from the National Children’s Commissioner (2016)

Home and Away: Child and Youth Homelessness (2016)

Engaging Young People: Using the pathways young people take in and out of homelessness as the foundation for a person centred service culture  (2016)

The Cost of Youth Homelessness in Australia Study (2015)

The Trauma and Homelessness Initiative (2014)

Think Child Think Family: Child and family friendly practice within Specialist Homelessness Services (2010)

“Little Children are Sacred ” (2007)

National Principles for Child Safe Organisations

KEEPING OUR KIDS SAFE: Cultural Safety & the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations

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