Help us fold 6000 Origami Houses for the Houses at Parliament Campaign

Ending Homelessness

The last Census shows that, on any given night, at least 30,000 Victorians are without a home (including 6,800 children).​

They’re living in their car, staying somewhere temporary like a friend’s couch, in a shelter or refuge, or have nowhere to go at all.

In a country as wealthy as Australia, no-one should be without a home.

The top 3 causes of homelessness are family violence, financial difficulties, and the housing crisis.

We can end homelessness by building more homes. For most people, a home that they can afford would end their homelessness.

Our Campaign

The Victorian Homelessness Network (VHN) is raising awareness about the urgent need for more social and public housing. There are 57,000 households on the social housing waitlist TODAY and the numbers are growing every week. So, we are asking the State and Federal Governments to construct a pipeline of at least 6,000 new properties a year.

Help us fold 6000 origami houses. We will display the houses at Parliament House on 2nd August, for Homelessness Week, to highlight the urgent need for Governments to fix the housing crisis and end homelessness.​

Campaign Asks

We are asking that State and Federal Governments commit to:​

Building a steady ongoing pipeline of at least 6,000 new social houses in Victoria per year

Creating a National plan to END homelessness.

What can you do?

Help us fold origami 6000 houses between now and the end of July. Its a great group activity that everyone can get involved in.

Download the A4 Flyer including instructions

Download the Campaign Kit 

Download and display a Poster at your workplace and ask others to be involved

There are ideas of how to display your houses in the Campaign Kit. Take a photo of you and your house’s to post on social media and use the below hashtags.





Invite your local MP to come and see your display and discuss the issues of homelessness (photo opportunity!)

Closer to the time we’ll tell you where to send them to! ​​

Please visit for future updates as we get closer to the date.

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