Houses at Parliament 2024

The Victorian Homelessness Network (VHN) is gearing up for the Houses at Parliament campaign in the lead up to Homelessness Week 2024 (August 5 – 11) , and we need your help!

The VHN is raising awareness about the urgent need for more socialĀ  (public and community) housing. There are 60,000 households on the social housing wait list TODAY and the numbers are growing every week. So, we are asking the State and Federal Governments to build at least 60,000 additional, appropriate social homes to meet the growing need in Victoria.

Help us fold 60,000 origami houses, and display them leading up to and during Homelessness Week.

On the 31st July, we’ll be displaying 6,000 houses at Parliament House (representing 10% of the 60,000 social homes needed in Victoria), to highlight the urgent need for Governments to fix the housing crisis and end homelessness.

Please share this with your colleagues, family members and friends!

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