The existing Child Safe Standards originally established in 2017 have been updated and will make up to 50,000 organisations providing services and facilities for children and young people safer. The new standards will strengthen child safety, improve Aboriginal cultural safety and empower children and young people.

The new standards mean:
• Culturally safe environments will be established
• Children and young people can participate in decisions affecting them
• Families are informed and involved in decisions affecting their child
• Both physical and online environments will promote safety and wellbeing

During the next 12 months, the Commission’s Guide for Creating a Child Safe Organisation will be updated, and additional resources will also be published.  Organisations subject to the Standards need to comply with the changes by 1 July 2022. The amendments to the regulatory framework will commence on 1 January 2023.

Victoria’s Child Safe Standards are a key response to the Victorian Parliament’s Betrayal of Trust Inquiry, which was handed down in 2013, to better respond to allegations of abuse and misconduct. The Standards apply to over 50,000 organisations including schools, sporting clubs, hospitals and churches.

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