The experience of homelessness and family violence can have a significant impact on a child’s education, their physical, emotional and mental health and their sense of connectedness to peers and the broader community. The Children’s Brokerage Program is funded by DFFH and managed by the Regional Children’s Resource Program in each DFFH region of Victoria.
The Loddon Mallee Regional Children’s Resource Program aims to improve service delivery for children in the homelessness and family violence sector and supports opportunities for children to
- Maintain education, including early education services such as childcare and kindergarten
- Reduce social isolation through access to a range of support, social and recreational opportunities
- Engage in social/emotional growth opportunities and increase relational bonds with parents or carer.
The program also aims to encourage homelessness support providers to integrate child focused assessment and case planning into their work practice.
Funds are for accompanying, dependent children aged 0-18 years of current clients of homelessness and family violence funded support services.
Funds are limited to grants of $400 per financial year and may be taken in a lump sum or a number of applications.
Information about Children’s Brokerage Program and other funding options for children are available on the LMH Network website.