Hi there!
We just want to share this latest info and to promote the public consultation events that are an opportunity for you to share your ideas and experiences of the housing and homelessness system.
The government is pleased to advise that registrations for public consultation events in Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia are now open. You can also register for online webinars.
To register your interest in attending, please visit: https://engage.dss.gov.au/developing-the-national-housing-and-homelessness-plan/developing-the-national-housing-and-homelessness-plan-public-consultations/
Registrations for events in other locations will be published soon.
Public consultation events are an opportunity for you to share your ideas and experiences of the housing and homelessness system.
If you are unable to attend a public consultation event, there is still time to have your say by completing short-form guided questions, or uploading a written submission. For further information, please visit: https://engage.dss.gov.au/developing-the-national-housing-and-homelessness-plan/