National Housing & Homelessness Plan – Consultation Summary Report

Summary report: Consultations on the National Housing and Homelessness Plan

The Australian Government is developing a National Housing and Homelessness Plan (the Plan). It is doing this with state and territory governments to help more Australians get safe and affordable housing.

The Plan will create a shared national vision to improve housing outcomes and help address homelessness. To develop the Plan, the Australian Government released an Issues Paper. It asked people to give feedback about the following 7 focus areas:

• homelessness

• homelessness services

• social housing

• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing

• the housing market, including renting and owning a home

• planning, zoning and development

• the impacts of climate change on housing security

We have read the summary report and it looks like the consultation process has resulted in some valuable feedback getting through to the Federal Government, so well done to all who contributed!

Click here to read the summary report.

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