Homelessness Australia has welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement of $6.2 million in peak body funding over 3 years that will enable critical advocacy, research and support for the homelessness sector to continue.
“If Australia is going to solve homelessness we need to draw on the policy, research and wisdom from people working to respond to homelessness, and from people with lived experience of homelessness,” CEO of Homelessness Australia Kate Colvin said.
“Homelessness Australia provides critical advice from the homelessness sector to governments to inform policy decisions, and maximise the impact of programs to drive down homelessness,” Kate Colvin said.
Homelessness Australia also informs public dialogue around homelessness, providing evidence and an expert voice to help educate people what is causing growing homelessness, and the evidence-based solutions needed to make a difference.
Homelessness Australia also supports the capacity of the homelessness sector, creating opportunities to connect with and share best practice to continually improve homelessness services.
“This important funding commitment will increase our capacity to support the homelessness sector and to develop policy recommendations, helping to develop the most effective responses to the growing homelessness crisis.”