Bringing More Smiles To Victorian Students – SMILE SQUAD


Smile Squad


The Minister for Health announce that all Victorian government primary, secondary and specialist school have now been invited to participate in the Smile Squad program. The program gives students in government schools completely free check-ups and treatment – including teeth cleaning, fluoride application, fissure sealants, fillings and root canals – to ensure our children have healthy teeth and save parents time and money. Smile Squad has already provided care to more than 82,000 students and handed out more than 350,000 oral health packs.

Dental conditions are the highest single cause of preventable hospitalisations for kids under 10 in Victoria. Smile Squad encourages all Victorian children and their families to keep looking after their oral health by eating well, drinking tap water, and brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. To learn more go to Smile Squad 


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