Managing Complex Cases for Housing Workers

CHIA VIC Level 1, 128 Exhibition St, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

This one day training will be run in a highly interactive way with the participants encouraged to bring up individual […]


Case Management


Case management practice is a core skill in the child, youth and family services sector. This workshop will help provide […]


Crafting Effective Records and File Notes


Recording case notes can feel like an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy that takes time away from seeing service users. Keeping […]


Hoarding and Living in Squalor


Since the publication of DSM5® Hoarding Disorder has been classified as a diagnosable mental illness.  In some cases it can […]


Introduction to Residential Tenancies Act


The Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) is the most important legislative framework for the community housing sector. This course will give […]


Case Management Practice


Case management practice is a core skill in the child, youth and family, and homelessness services sector. This workshop aims […]

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