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Making VHR allocations – refresher training


Join CHIA Vic and the DHHS Victorian Housing Register team for a practical session on how to make allocations in the VHR. This session is designed to build upon the...


Managing Contested VCAT Disputes


Community Housing Organisations are reporting an increase in tenants being represented at VCAT and as a result, complex and costly legal arguments and procedures are arising. This 1.5 hour session,...


From Doing to Managing – making the transition


To be a great Manager you will need to learn a whole lot of new skills and take on many new personas. This workshop is designed to give you some insight and...


Validata Webinar


Basic functions within Validata, including uploading and submitting extracts, viewing reports & user admin. *Register by 12th November


An Introduction to Advance to Zero Homelessness Methodology


Ending Homelessness is possible, this session will explain how communities around the world are demonstrating this and how communities in Australia are seeking to implement the Zero Homelessness Methodology though...


Crafting Effective Records and File Notes


Recording case notes can feel like an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy that takes time away from seeing service users. Keeping accurate, up-to-date records is a key task.  Quite simply, it...


High Performing Teams


This workshop will give participants the knowledge and skills required to work effectively with their teams, nurturing talent, driving success and ensuring they are better able to meet organisational challenges...


The Care Economy and Why it’s Important to You


Images of jobs and the economy are overwhelmed by pictures of hard hats, half built bridges and tunnels, and even freshly built submarines and naval vessels. Our imaginations are full...


Hoarding and Living in Squalor


Since the publication of DSM5® Hoarding Disorder has been classified as a diagnosable mental illness.  In some cases it can lead to situations where a person is living in squalor. ...


Introduction to Residential Tenancies Act


The Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) is the most important legislative framework for the community housing sector. This course will give new housing and tenancy workers the basic skills and understanding...
