Hoarding and Living in Squalor


Since the publication of DSM5® Hoarding Disorder has been classified as a diagnosable mental illness.  In some cases it can […]


National Homelessness Conference


After a year like no other, we are pleased to announce that the 2020 National Homelessness Conference will go ahead […]


Introduction to Residential Tenancies Act


The Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) is the most important legislative framework for the community housing sector. This course will give […]


Having difficult conversations


Most of us dread those difficult conversations with clients, colleagues and family members, where the stakes are high, opinions vary, […]


Understanding the big social housing picture


Terry Burke is Professor of Housing studies at Swinburne University. He is one of Australia’s most well-known academic researchers and […]


High Performing Teams


This workshop will give participants the knowledge and skills required to work effectively with their teams, nurturing talent, driving success […]


Having money conversations with tenants


Talking about money with tenants is a skill.   According to research, 50% of adults believe that sharing personal money matters […]


Rent Setting in Community Housing


This course will provide community housing staff with an understanding of the rules governing how community housing rents are set, […]

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