The Salvation Army provide a service to families who require some additional support during the festive season by way of donated toys for their children. This year is no different.
The Salvation Army are are currently taking names, contact details, ages and number of children who may need some assistance this year. These families will be contacted in the week of 5 December to confirm details and to book a time to come into our Worship Centre to select some toys for their children.
Please consider any clients who would benefit from this support and discuss with them ASAP. Your clients are welcome to contact The Salvation Army reception on 5440 8410 to register their name and contact details. If the client would like you (their worker) to register on their behalf, The Salvation Army reception team are also happy to accommodate this.
Families will be given a time to come to the Centre on the following dates during one of the time slots listed below.
Wednesday 14 December | 9:15am – 12:30pm | 12:45pm – 3pm |
Thursday 15 December | 9:15am – 12:30pm | 12:45pm – 3pm |
Friday 16 December | 9:15am – 12:30pm | 12:45pm – 3pm |
Monday 19 December | 9:15am – 12:30pm | 12:45pm – 3pm |
Tuesday 20 December | 9:15am – 12:30pm | 12:45pm – 3pm |
If you have any clients who are unable to attend for any reason, please advise The Salvation Army reception team at the time of the registration. The Salvation Army have set aside Wednesday 21 to be an agency day where staff can attend and collect gifts on behalf of their clients between 9:15am-12:30pm or 12:45pm-3pm.
PLEASE NOTE: the only issue we found last year is that there were slim pickings to chose from on the last day of collection, so the best approach would be for the client to go in themselves, as early as possible to pick and collect. They will have a better selection to chose from and they can pick what they know their child/ren will like .