National Child Protection Week

National Child Protection Week launched with a clear message that “every conversation matters”

Yesterday’s webinar commenced National Child Protection Week with a clear message that children and young people must be a national priority, and that prevention IS possible if we all play our part.

Special guest National Children’s Commissioner Anne Hollonds, moderator and NAPCAN CEO Leesa Waters, and Chair of Napcan’s Youth Speak Out Council Oliver White spoke. They explored why children and young people must be a national priority, and how prevention IS possible if we all play our part.

“What are the conversations we are NOT having yet? And who is not yet part of the conversations we need to urgently have, in order to be able to protect the safety, wellbeing and human rights of Australia’s children?” – Anne Hollonds

“We all—whether we are young, old, or somewhere in between—each have our own unique experiences and lessons in life. These experiences guide us, shape our paths, and help us become the individuals we are constantly evolving into.” – Oliver White

“A colleague of mine often tells me this story, from when she worked in the child protection system. She went out to a family home, and when the mother opened the door, she said where were you six years ago when I was asking for help… Families need us to be part of the solutions, the evidence tells us that children thrive when parents are supported.” – Leesa Waters

National Child Protection Protection Week will run until Sunday the 7th of September, see how you can get involved.

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