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Validata Webinar


Basic functions within Validata, including uploading and submitting extracts, viewing reports & user admin. *Register by 15th September  


Ending Homelessness 101


This session will explain how communities around the world are ending homelessness and how communities in Australia are seeking to implement the Zero Homelessness Methodology though the Australian Alliance to...


SHIP Data Entry- Basic functions


Content: Opening a client support period, SHSC concepts and definitions. Who should attend: Staff new to agency, staff not able to attend face to face training, new to Client Management...


Advanced SHIP Training


Administrative Functions in SHIP for Managers or anyone responsible for SHS reporting. *Register by 5th October  


Housing First and Ending Homelessness


Delivered by Karyn Walsh CEO of Micah Projects in Queensland,  the Housing First and the Advance to Zero Methodology are different but mutually reinforcing approaches to ending homelessness. This session...


Integrating Housing Support for Vulnerable Families


This free webinar will present findings from a new AHURI research project — Inquiry into integrated housing support for vulnerable families — led by Associate Professor kylie valentine, University of...


Tenants and Neighbours – How to get along


Is your tenants’ behaviour disturbing or inconveniencing their neighbours? Is the stress of the situation causing high staff turnover for your organisation?  What on earth can you do? This training...


Making VHR allocations – refresher training


Join CHIA Vic and the DHHS Victorian Housing Register team for a practical session on how to make allocations in the VHR. This session is designed to build upon the...


Managing Contested VCAT Disputes


Community Housing Organisations are reporting an increase in tenants being represented at VCAT and as a result, complex and costly legal arguments and procedures are arising. This 1.5 hour session,...
