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Provide Supervision


Focusing on the knowledge and skills required to provide supervision as a support for workers in the community services industry and includes information on; providing backup support, performing a range...


Case Management


Case management practice is a core skill in the child, youth and family services sector. This workshop will help provide you with the foundations of strong case management practice to...


From Doing to Managing – making the transition


To be a great Manager you will need to learn a whole lot of new skills and take on many new personas. This workshop is designed to give you some insight and...


Crafting Effective Records and File Notes


Recording case notes can feel like an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy that takes time away from seeing service users. Keeping accurate, up-to-date records is a key task.  Quite simply, it...


High Performing Teams


This workshop will give participants the knowledge and skills required to work effectively with their teams, nurturing talent, driving success and ensuring they are better able to meet organisational challenges...


High Performing Teams


This workshop will give participants the knowledge and skills required to work effectively with their teams, nurturing talent, driving success and ensuring they are better able to meet organisational challenges...


Having money conversations with tenants


Talking about money with tenants is a skill.   According to research, 50% of adults believe that sharing personal money matters is taboo.  When you factor that statistic into the landlord/tenant...
